Friday, June 18, 2010

Android - Closing soft input on EditText

HHHHHHMMMMM too much searching done for this and found as

If you know about the EditText for what the soft input pad is open then its really easy to close.

EditText myEditText = (EditText) findViewById(;

InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(myEditText.getWindowToken(), 0);

And you made it invisible..

Blacberry - Storm - Hide menu "Show Keyboard"

Well its pretty much easy to get rid off if you don't want it to be shown in your screen.
If you are running inside the MainScreen. put this code and menu will be invisible :-)


Will write on mobile devices from today

I decided to write on mobile device from today onwards.
I shall write on Android/J2ME/Blackberry devices as my base ground is mobile programming.
I shall also share the difficulty I faced and how I solved that.
Keep on looking my blog.